My son’s birth

My son’s birth

Today is my son’s 10th birthday. It feels surreal that ten years has passed so quickly. It seems like just yesterday we welcomed him. I have decided to share his birth story to honour this day. It was 2009 and I was due on July 9th. It was hot, I was big (baby was estimated […]

When is the right time to start Prenatal Yoga?

When is the right time to start Prenatal Yoga?

Congratulations on your pregnancy! If you are reading this you are probably thinking about starting some healthy lifestyle changes or adjusting your current activities now that your body is going through some massive changes. If you are unsure about how prenatal yoga can benefit you and your baby, see my previous post “Why Prenatal Yoga?”. […]

How Prenatal Yoga prepares you for Birth

How Prenatal Yoga prepares you for Birth

There is a reason I am so passionate about teaching prenatal yoga. Actually, there are many reasons and I can talk for hours about the benefits to birthing persons, partners and families. Through my own birth experiences and my experiences as a yoga teacher and birth doula, I can say without a doubt that practicing […]

5 things to do before labour begins

5 things to do before labour begins

Those last few weeks of pregnancy are tough. Physically, your belly has grown larger than you ever thought imaginable. Isn’t it amazing that your child has been growing in there, and your body supporting him? Emotionally most women are just done and want labour to start. Endless questions from family, friends and strangers asking “when […]