The Value of a birth DOULA

The Value of a birth DOULA

I have heard varying reactions to what I charge. Everything from “Wow, that seems like a lot of money” to “Really that is it for all that you do?”. If you are a numbers person you might sit down with your calculator and attach a value to to the tasks that we would do for […]

Virtual Doula Services

Virtual Doula Services

Covid-19 has brought challenges to our health care system that are affecting pregnant and birthing people and their families. Stress and anxiety levels are high as due dates near and the uncertainty of the birthing space and new support people policies are taking effect. Doulas have always been a recommended addition to support birthing people […]

How to find the right doula for you!

How to find the right doula for you!

Perhaps you have done some research or spoken to friends and family who have used a doula for their birth and you are now convinced that having doula support is right for you and your partner. Now what?! Maybe you have googled ‘Birth doula near me’ and don’t know where to start. Here are some […]

My son’s birth

My son’s birth

Today is my son’s 10th birthday. It feels surreal that ten years has passed so quickly. It seems like just yesterday we welcomed him. I have decided to share his birth story to honour this day. It was 2009 and I was due on July 9th. It was hot, I was big (baby was estimated […]