What I want All Hockey Parents to know

What I want All Hockey Parents to know

First off, I am not a surgeon, physiotherapist or medical doctor of any kind. I am a yoga teacher and a student of bodies. I have worked with countless individuals through yoga with varying degrees of athleticism but can say that I have seen hundreds if not thousands of young (13-25 years old) hockey players […]

My three reasons why girls should play rugby

My three reasons why girls should play rugby

Growing up in Canada I had never heard of rugby. Canadian kids grew up playing sports like hockey, soccer and baseball. I was one of them until I hit high school. My high school had several boys’ teams and I was drawn to the sport as a spectator wanting to learn the complex “laws” of […]

Five Reasons Why YOU need to go to Summer Camp!

Five Reasons Why YOU need to go to Summer Camp!

It’s that time of year again when parents are booking campsites, summer holidays, and sorting through local resources for kids’ camps while school is out. Do you remember how much fun summer camp was when you were a kid? Playing outdoors all day. Getting dirty and wet. Trying new activities and facing fears. Meeting new […]