How Prenatal Yoga prepares you for Birth

How Prenatal Yoga prepares you for Birth

There is a reason I am so passionate about teaching prenatal yoga. Actually, there are many reasons and I can talk for hours about the benefits to birthing persons, partners and families. Through my own birth experiences and my experiences as a yoga teacher and birth doula, I can say without a doubt that practicing […]

Oh Baby it’s cold outside! – How to entertain a toddler at home.

Well, what can we expect from a Canadian winter right?! Truth is we have been lucky this season so far with some mild temps and now the cold, frigid winter wind is here. When my kids were much younger there were definitely cold days when I didn’t want to take them far. We would hunker […]

The Busy Mom’s Guide to Getting Fit and Strong

The Busy Mom’s Guide to Getting Fit and Strong

A new year is upon us and many see this as an opportunity to make or improve on some healthy habits. I know I do! I am a mom of two busy kids; an eleven year old daughter and a nine year old son. Before they were born I was very active playing rugby at […]

Why Prenatal Yoga?

Why Prenatal Yoga?

Recently a new Canadian guideline for exercise during pregnancy was released which states that not only is exercise recommended and beneficial during pregnancy, it also cuts the risk of developing major pregnancy complications such as pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes, and gestational hypertension by 40%. These new guidelines are the result of a review of 675 unique […]