Mindset matters during labour and birth. You can start practicing a more positive mindset today!
Mindset matters during labour and birth

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Mindset matters during labour and birth. You can start practicing a more positive mindset today!
I have heard varying reactions to what I charge. Everything from “Wow, that seems like a lot of money” to “Really that is it for all that you do?”. If you are a numbers person you might sit down with your calculator and attach a value to to the tasks that we would do for […]
Covid-19 has brought challenges to our health care system that are affecting pregnant and birthing people and their families. Stress and anxiety levels are high as due dates near and the uncertainty of the birthing space and new support people policies are taking effect. Doulas have always been a recommended addition to support birthing people […]
Congratulations on your pregnancy! If you are reading this you are probably thinking about starting some healthy lifestyle changes or adjusting your current activities now that your body is going through some massive changes. If you are unsure about how prenatal yoga can benefit you and your baby, see my previous post “Why Prenatal Yoga?”. […]