Preparing for Birth: Mental and Physical Tips for Moms

Today I was inspired to write this latest blog by a question I received. The question was from someone who is 38 weeks pregnant. She just started her maternity leave. She asked me what she should do in these last few weeks to prepare herself mentally and physically for birth. 

Here is what I told her…..

You need to turn off your logical, thinking mind during labour. Be more in a state of flow. Stay very in tune with your body. Before labour begins, gradually start to ease into the feeling like you are on vacation at an all-inclusive resort. When we are on vacation, we eat when we are hungry. We nap when we are tired. We are less focused on schedules and timing. This isn’t always easy to transition to so give yourself time to adjust and embrace it. Ensuring you are rested before you give birth is important. It’s also great practice for when your baby is here and you are tuning into their cues. This is physical and emotional preparation. 

Some of the other things I suggested are;

Lots of self-care. Naps, nutritious food, massages, chats with friends, whatever makes you feel good. 

Go for walks outside. Dance indoors. Move your body. Sit on an exercise ball often and rock your hips. 

Stretch: low lunge, low squat, child’s pose, cat and cow

Ideally you have some time off of work before baby comes. If you aren’t able to, try and start to make some shifts towards less rushing. Focus on prioritizing you. Your baby will thank you! 

For more ideas check out an earlier post: 5 Things to do before labour begins

About angela j

Angela is a certified Yoga Teacher and specializes in Yoga for Athletes, Pre and Postnatal yoga. She teaches various workshops and teacher trainings in Canada.

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